

Staff Picks

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

                                                           Time Management

No one gets more then 24 hours in a day, but with the right time management, you can make the most out of each and every day, so stop wasting your precious time and unlock your full potential that everyone knows you have :) 

I've learned over time that to really have great time management skills you need to know what things have to come first. Also, physically writing down a list of what I have to do always helps. Here are some things to always keep in mind to help you stay on track: 

-- Responsibilities
-- Overcome the temptation to procrastinate
-- Improve concentration
-- Deal with distractions
-- Set realistic expectations for how long a task may take

Along with this, here are some time management tips you can use to help you get productive and stay balanced in whatever it is you need to stay focused on right now, be it school, work or even your kids. As always, hope this helps!

1. Rather than focusing on how much time you don't have, focus on the time you DO have and make a game plan of how to effectively use that time. 

2. Value your time and people will do the same. 

3. Use your time for things that are worth it. 

4. Try your hardest to end your day at a fixed time - this will help you stay on track and focused throughout the day. 

5. Make sure to get enough sleep so that you can have enough energy to do everything you need to do. 

6. Avoid social media unless necessary. 

7. Make sure to make time for down time. 

8. Take mini breaks during the day when you need them to recharge and refocus. 

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