

Staff Picks

Monday, December 28, 2015

                                 3 "Bad" Health Habits That Are Actually Not Bad 

 Dining Out 

Dining out can be unhealthy yes, if you're not careful, not to mention expensive. However, now-a-days a lot of working women fall under more stress than women did 20 years ago; women today are not only mothers, but work full time and are more involved in their communities. There are tips to keep in mind when dining out: skip the salad, they're usually loaded with calories (dressing), so try something lighter, like a side of veggies. Other than that, enjoy your meal out, you deserve it! 

Skipping Workouts

Getting into a good workout routine is great, and it takes time. Don't guilt trip if you skip a day at the gym every-now-and-then to catch a movie with your girlfriends, go on a date with your significant other or to simply take a day to relax. A lot of personal trainers and instructors actually suggest that you take a day off; it gives your body a chance to recover between workouts. Taking time off helps your muscles repair and heal, and it also gives you a mental break, so don't think you're slacking and stick to your routine. 

Drinking Beer

Go ahead and drink a cold one!Research shows that beer is rich in antioxidants that can help guard against cancer and other diseases, and is even known to protect brain health. Beer also contains silicon, which supports stronger bones and better skin. With all this being said, beer is good for you in moderation - typically no more than one a day can be part of a healthy diet. 

Monday, December 21, 2015

                                          *Christmas Outfit Ideas* 


Monday, December 7, 2015

Any other last minute Christmas shoppers out there other than me? Don't worry, people now-a-days live extremely busy lives. So, if you are guilty of waiting until the week of, or even days before to get your holiday shopping done, hopefully these last minute gift ideas will be of some help! 

                                                           Hangover Recovery Patch - $19.95 for Set of 6

For the party-going friend! I'm sure they will appreciate it and have a good laugh. 

Texting Gloves - $12.99 - $19.99

These come in handy and are the perfect gift for literally anyone, because who doesn't own a smart phone now a days. 

At Home Beer Brewing Kit - $18.50 

Perfect for the beer lover! 

The Sriracha Cookbook - $11.55

Sriracha is all the craze lately. Great cookbook for the friend or family member that loves a little spice. 

Chalkboard Label Jars - $7.00 - $8.40

Super cute gift idea for the creative friend or family member in your life :) 

Monday, November 30, 2015

                                  7 Christmas Cookies to Bake this Holiday Season 

With the holidays right around the corner, I can't help but think about my favorite cookies this time of year. We all the classics: gingerbread, sugar cookies and shortbread, just to name a few. Here are 7 Christmas cookie recipes to try this Christmas season, enjoy!

                                                            1. Chocolate-Dipped Short Bread Cookies 

You can either half-dip them or for the chocolate lovers like me, completely cover them in chocolate. Add some creativity by drizzling white chocolate on top or any other festive decoration you want. They're sure to be a hit!


                                                           2. The Original Soft Chocolate Chip Cookie 

This receipe will be sure to leave your chocolate chip cookies super soft and chewy. You've never baked anything so good from scratch before. 

3. Gingerbread Cookies 

This classic is one of everybody's favorite. You can either stick to making the classic gingerbread men or try other fun Christmas themed shapes. 

4. Snickerdoodle Cookies 

This recipe is guaranteed to to help you make the best and softest snickerdoodles. 

5. Peanut Butter Cookies

For anyone that loves peanut butter, these are the cookies for you. 

6. Oatmeal Cookies

Who doesn't love a good oatmeal cookie with a tall glass of milk! 

7. Snowball Cookies

Kids love these fun cookies and they're perfect for the holiday season. 

Monday, November 23, 2015

Black Friday, by definition, is: (In the United States) the day after Thanksgiving, noted as the first day of traditional Christmas shopping, during which crowds of consumers are drawn to special offers by retailers, accroding to Google. 

Being Kellie's Consignment shoppers, I sure most of you already knew this ;) 

So, I'm sure you've all been wondering what Black Friday deals we will be having at Kellie's…and we are finally revealing them!

Black Friday Deals, Nov. 27th, 2015 for Kellie's Consignments:


We will be open from 8:00am to 8:00pm. We will have free hot chocolate, coffee and donuts waiting for you! 

This years Black Friday specials include: 

- Free $10 gift card with a purchase of a $50 gift card
- Take an extra 10% off your total purchase! (excluding gift cards) 
- Santa bucks start on Friday Nov. 27th, 2015 (Black Friday) - You get $1 in Kellie's Kash for every $25 you spend. Kellie's Kash is good starting on Dec. 26th, 2015
- Return policy on gifts is extended until Janurary 15th, 2015 

We hope to see you all there for a day full of awesome savings! Remember, there is no need to spend a ton this holiday season; Kellie and her team know this and this is why we make Kellie's Consignments such a cool place to shop resale for Christmas! Hope everyone has a happy thanksgiving! 

Monday, November 16, 2015

Why the Midwest is the Best 

Ahhh, the midwest, the heartland, the home of cornfields, open skies and beautiful lakes. As most of you reading this are either from the midwest or currently live here, you will more than likely agree with the next statements I am going to make. So, below I have listed what makes the midwest so wonderful and a few reminders to love it a little more <3 

1. People from the midwest are super friendly :)

This stereotype just so happens to be true, and we're not mad about it! Research has shown that the midwest truly is the "friendliest" region of the country. Here is the research to prove it:

2. We have the most state pride

Midwesterners from every state are more than proud to be where they are from - especially when it comes to schools and sports teams (lets not bring in the whole MSU vs. UofM thing into this post). 

3. The midwest is a cheap place to live!

Compared to other states, the midwest region is particularly affordable. Midwest metropolitan areas actually offer the best bargain on cost of living. 

4. Good air

This is one I just found out about too. Research shows that the midwest has some of the best air quality in the United States. Read more about it here:

5. Midwesterners care about family 

Family is a big deal for midwesterners. According to a study done in 2008, half of adult midwestern residents have spent their entire lives in their hometowns, due to family. Read more about it here:

With all of this being said, I say YES TO THE MIDWEST FOR BEING THE BEST! <3

Monday, November 9, 2015

A little change never hurt. As the seasons change and the weather gets colder, so do the people. Something I have noticed lately around my close group of women friends, and my friends at work, is that a lot of them are changing their hair color. 

A study performed this year by the Crown Clinic in Manchester, England found a number of reasons as to why women change their hairstyle and hair color. The study found that out of 1000 individuals, 42% of women said they change their hair to stay on trend, like dying their hair grey or trying a style inspired by a celebrity. Other reasons included simply growing tired of their original hairstyle/hair color and needing/searching for change.

I asked one of my closest sorority sisters who recently changed both her hair color and hairstyle why she decided to do this, and she simply said she needed change. She had gone through a lot in the past couple of months with school, relationships, friendships and work and wanted to do something to help her feel fresh and new. (May I add she looked great! :)

Another person who has recently changed up her hairstyle and color is our very own Kellie herself! Look at how great she looks!

With this all being said, I think it is great to switch it up and change your hairstyle/color. It's always refreshing to try something new. If you feel like you want to change up a physical feature for the season or for this certain time in your life, maybe you should consider trying something new with your hair. But most importantly, remember to continue to be the beautiful you! 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

How to use Daylight Savings Time to be More Productive and to your Advantage 

Was anyone else confused for a split second this morning when they woke up and realized that we gained an extra hour of sleep? Regardless, I'm sure no one is complaining about getting an extra hour of sleep, we could all use it! However, instead of doing what we all want to do: lay in bed for an extra hour, we should think about using that hour more wisely, productive and to your advantage.

It is better to get up early and get things done. Research shows early risers report feeling healthier and happier, in contrast to night-owls and those who hit the snooze-button. It's not the easiest to change your sleep schedule and completely go from night-owl to being an early riser, but just getting up even just an hour earlier than usual is a step in being a more productive/morning person, and making that stick long-term.

Here are some tips for taking advantage of the time change and make that shift into being a morning person:

1. Adjust your sleep time/wake time slowly, but surely  

To be able to stick to your goal of getting up earlier, its better to gradually shift into it, because its definitely harder than it sounds. Starting off slow by waking up 15 minutes earlier at first, then 30 minutes, etc. is what I would recommend.

2. Avoid electronics/technology at night 

As hard as it sounds, the best way to fall asleep faster and earlier is to avoid using your smart phone, computer or any other electronic before bed. Their bright light suppresses melatonin, making it harder to fall asleep.
If you absolutely cannot give up your smart phone or computer at night, there are other things you can do to limit so much bright light before bed, such as lowering the brightness on all of your electronics.

3. Take a melatonin supplement at night 

Taking a low dose of a melatonin supplement before bed can help you fall asleep faster. The suggested time to take one of these supplements is 90 minutes before you want to fall asleep. I actually do this sometimes and it really does help.

4. Time your coffee drinking wisely 

A lot of us are used to our cup of Joe first thing in the morning, but studies actually show that this might not be the best idea. Natural stimulaters, like exercise, are better in the morning, so it is actually better to sip your first cup of Joe about an hour and a half after you get up.

5. Sticking with your new sleep schedule 

It won't be easy, but you won't regret it! The best tip is to keep a consistent sleep schedule and to wake up at the same time everyday, even on the weekends. It is okay to hit the snooze-button every now and then, but the less you do that, the easier it will be to keep your schedule on track.

I hope these suggestions/tips help!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

With Halloween right around the corner (ummm, more like 4 days, ah!) I wanted to do a post of cute and spooky recipes you can make to celebrate the fun holiday. You can hand them out to trick-or-treaters or just make them for fun - regardless they're yummy and won't disappoint. Hope everyone has a safe halloween! 

                                                                                   Strawberry Ghosts 

Are these the cutest ghosts ever or what? Pick the juiciest strawberries you can find, melt some chocolate and bring on your decorating skills! 

Eyeball Cookies

Creative and spooky, these will be sure to be liked by everyone. And you can choose the flavor of your cookie! 

Bat Cupcakes

These yummy cupcakes will be sure to be a hit - again with these you can choose the flavoring of your cupcake and your frosting :) 

Pumpkin Rice Krispie Treats

These are my favorite on the list! I am actually making them this weekend for a Halloween bake sale I have coming up and I can't wait to see how they turn out. You can also always use whatever candy you want for the stem (I am going to use tootsie rolls). 

Monday, October 19, 2015

With the big win against U of M this past weekend, I wanted to do a simple yet fun post on cute ways to wear green this fall :) Great color not only for this season but also for all the die-hard Spartans out there. We hope you're enjoying the beautiful change in colors of the leaves and the crisp weather! And of course, GO GREEN! 




Sunday, October 11, 2015

                                      Healthiest Alcoholic Drinks to Get at the Bar

When it comes to alcohol, there really isn't a "health," especially when multiplied by four. Although the drinks listed below are healthier options, it is still alcohol and should be taken in moderation. Remember, the fewer the drinks, the fewer the calories!

                                                                         1. Vodka Soda 

Ingredients: Vodka, Soda Water 

Vodka and soda is among one of the drinks with the least amount of calories - it averages 96 calories per 1.5 ounces. 

2. Whiskey and Gin

Ingredients: Bourbon and soda 

Bourbon ranges between 97 and 110 calories per 1.5 ounce (and packs a lot of flavor). Mix it with soda (diet has no sugar) and you have a tasty drink. 

3. Wine 

Ingredients: Grapes

A bit of wine is actually pretty good for you - red wine packs a lot of nutritional value and contains a lot of the iron, potassium and magnesium that we as humans need. Calories range between around 110 - 130 for a 5 ounce glass, which is not bad at all so have two if you want ;) 

4. Manhattan 

Ingredients: Bourbon, Sweet Vermouth and Angostura Bitters 

This delicious and flavorful cocktail is actually pretty healthy; it contains about 100 calories per 1.5 ounces. 

5. Mimosa/Bellini 

Ingredients: Champagne, Orange Juice/Peach Juice

This is one of my personal favorites and one of the tastiest drinks you can have for brunch. It is not the best for calorie count, but it is packed with antioxidants and both orange juice and peach juice contain a lot of vitamin c. 

6. Guinness 

For the beer lovers! Despite how thick it is, it has a low amount of calories - 128 per 12 ounces. It is made from whole grains that contain a lot of nutrients and has been known to reduce blood clots and heart problems. 

7. Sangria 

Ingredients: (Can differ) Red wine, lemon, oranges, lime, sugar, orange juice, gin, triple sec, apples, raspberries and strawberries

This is also one of the drinks on this list that is not super low on calories, but you can always make your own with more fruit and less sugar to change that. Sangria is a great way to get a serving of fruit. 

8. Bloody Mary

Ingredients: Vodka, tomato juice, horseradish, worcestershire sauce, tabasco, celery, salt and pepper 

This may just be the healthiest drink on the list; it is very low calorie and packs a ton of nutrients, and is delicious :) 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

                                                           Time Management

No one gets more then 24 hours in a day, but with the right time management, you can make the most out of each and every day, so stop wasting your precious time and unlock your full potential that everyone knows you have :) 

I've learned over time that to really have great time management skills you need to know what things have to come first. Also, physically writing down a list of what I have to do always helps. Here are some things to always keep in mind to help you stay on track: 

-- Responsibilities
-- Overcome the temptation to procrastinate
-- Improve concentration
-- Deal with distractions
-- Set realistic expectations for how long a task may take

Along with this, here are some time management tips you can use to help you get productive and stay balanced in whatever it is you need to stay focused on right now, be it school, work or even your kids. As always, hope this helps!

1. Rather than focusing on how much time you don't have, focus on the time you DO have and make a game plan of how to effectively use that time. 

2. Value your time and people will do the same. 

3. Use your time for things that are worth it. 

4. Try your hardest to end your day at a fixed time - this will help you stay on track and focused throughout the day. 

5. Make sure to get enough sleep so that you can have enough energy to do everything you need to do. 

6. Avoid social media unless necessary. 

7. Make sure to make time for down time. 

8. Take mini breaks during the day when you need them to recharge and refocus. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

                                        Fall Beauty Trend: Metallic Nail Polish


Metallics are making a comeback this fall (yay!)  all over runway, so what better way to sport it then on your nails. From gold to rose gold, silver to bronze, you have a wide palette to choose from. These colors will be the perfect shiny accent to your cute over-sized sweater and tall boot outfit combo :)

Here are some of my favorites:

Essie has a new metallic collection, check it out here :

Love, love, love this green metallic from Maybelline, find it here: