

Staff Picks

Monday, February 1, 2016

                                                            7 Ways To Spend Valentine's Day if You're Single

Honestly, you shouldn't mind being single on Valentine's Day. So, here are seven ideas to celebrate the holiday if you're single and just simply want to celebrate love in general. Remember, what is important anyway is that you love yourself, your friends and your community. So, go forth and enjoy the love-filled holiday, no matter your relationship status <3

                                                                                  1. Indulge Yourself 

Spend the day loving yourself. Take a long bubble bath. Binge-watch your favorite television series. Order take out. Get a mani/pedi. Leave work an hour early and go do something fun instead. Start a new book. Do whatever YOU want! After all, you have no one to please but yourself :)

  2. Get Things Done 

Instead of spending the day indulging, you could also go the opposite direction and use the day to finish or start something you've been meaning to do - organize your apartment or home, get your finances in order or clean out your closet. 

3. Volunteer 

There are much worse things than being single on Valentine's Day. Send love someone else's way and sign up to volunteer in your community and help those less fortunate than you and help fill someone else's day with love. 

4. Participate in "Secret Valentine" 

Who cares if you're single when you have friends??? Round up your girls (or guy friends, too) and have a Valentine's Day themed "Secret Santa" gift exchange. This way you have an excuse to get cute lovey-dovey stuff at the store (and maybe a box of chocolates for yourself, too). You'll get something picked out with love in return and it's a great excuse to get together with friends and share the love. 

5. Throw a Party 

If gift-giving doesn't sound appealing, a party always does. Throw a party and enjoy the love of your friends company. 

Monday, January 25, 2016

So with Valentine's Day being three weeks away, the next three posts will revolve around the love-filled holiday. This first one will revolve around:

                    3 Do's and Don'ts of Modern Day Dating                                                            Etiquette and Texting 

                                                 1. Do Not Break Up With Someone Via Text Message

This may seem like common sense for most, but some people really do believe this is acceptable/okay. Newsflash - it is not. If you've been on a couple dates with someone and you no longer want to 'date' this person, you owe them a phone call. Get the courage and end it the civil way!

                                             2. It Is Okay To Express Feelings Over The Internet Or Via Text                                                                                                                        Message, But Not Only There

Words have no emotion meaning over a screen. "I love you" and "I miss you" messages are nice to receive, but this should not be the only place you express these emotions; say it in person!

                                                                        3. Do NOT Drunk Text

This shouldn't even need an explanation, just don't do it because 99% of the time you will probably say something you wouldn't have said sober.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Have You Been Keeping Up With Your New Year's Resolution(s)? 

As we reach the end of the first month of the new year, we have to stop and ask ourselves, are we fulfilling the new year's resolutions we set for ourselves at the beginning of the year?

New year's resolutions are easier said than done; it's not easy to stick to a goal or commitment, especially if it is something completely new or something you have not done/practiced in a while. Just in case you've been lacking motivation to stick to your goal(s), here are some reminders to keep in mind to help you stay on track in 2016 and ultimately reap the benefits at the end of the year.

1. Remember To Stay Realistic

Some goals we set for ourselves are a little far-fetched. It's natural as humans to set high goals for ourselves, we just have to remember to stay realistic. Everything takes time and dedication.

2. Talk About It

Although some of us are more private with our lives than others, don't keep your resolution(s) a secret - tell at least one person. Be it a family member or best friend, tell someone. This person or persons will help motivate and support you throughout your journey.

3. Don't Forget To Reward Yourself 

Rewards are always an extra push of motivation. However he key is to reward yourself with something that doesn't contradict your resolution.

4. Keep Trying 

If you're finding yourself already giving up on your resolution(s), don't despair. Experts say it takes about 21 days for a new activity to become a habit. Nothing happens overnight, so be patient! Don't obsess over it and take it one day at a time, the future you will thank you.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

One of the reason not only I, but the rest of Kellie's Consignments staff loves working at Kellie's is because we get to be creative! We love being able to bring our creativity and ideas to work. One of the more fun ways we get to express this is when we re-design our store displays. Here are two I helped put together last week, along with two other Kellie's workers :)

We love doing these and we try and cater them to what we believe our customers will like/ideas that will inspire them. Next time you stop please let us know if you have any suggestions for future displays, we love the feedback! 

Monday, January 4, 2016

                                               Kellie's Consignments: Online Shop

So, as a lot of you already know, Kellie's Consignments now has an online shopping website! We are very excited about it and want to encourage our customers to use it. It is very easy/simple to use, as well as convenient.

You can find some items listed on our home website page if you scroll all the way down to the very bottom, and to look at all of our online inventory you can select the "SHOP" tab at the very top of the page and it will take you directly there. The direct link to the "SHOP" page is:

We created Kellie's online shop to make it easier and more convenient for customers to shop Kellie's Consignments. We have a lot of customers that love our store but that don't live very close, or others that simply have a busy schedule, so we created this for them. We love pleasing our customers! You guys are what make our store such a success.

What is cool about our online shop is that once you order your item, you can either have it shipped to you (prices vary on weight) or you can come pick it up in the store, whichever works best for you. Right now we have a good amount of inventory on the website, but our goal for the new 2016 year is to post 50 new items every week!