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Sunday, November 1, 2015

How to use Daylight Savings Time to be More Productive and to your Advantage 

Was anyone else confused for a split second this morning when they woke up and realized that we gained an extra hour of sleep? Regardless, I'm sure no one is complaining about getting an extra hour of sleep, we could all use it! However, instead of doing what we all want to do: lay in bed for an extra hour, we should think about using that hour more wisely, productive and to your advantage.

It is better to get up early and get things done. Research shows early risers report feeling healthier and happier, in contrast to night-owls and those who hit the snooze-button. It's not the easiest to change your sleep schedule and completely go from night-owl to being an early riser, but just getting up even just an hour earlier than usual is a step in being a more productive/morning person, and making that stick long-term.

Here are some tips for taking advantage of the time change and make that shift into being a morning person:

1. Adjust your sleep time/wake time slowly, but surely  

To be able to stick to your goal of getting up earlier, its better to gradually shift into it, because its definitely harder than it sounds. Starting off slow by waking up 15 minutes earlier at first, then 30 minutes, etc. is what I would recommend.

2. Avoid electronics/technology at night 

As hard as it sounds, the best way to fall asleep faster and earlier is to avoid using your smart phone, computer or any other electronic before bed. Their bright light suppresses melatonin, making it harder to fall asleep.
If you absolutely cannot give up your smart phone or computer at night, there are other things you can do to limit so much bright light before bed, such as lowering the brightness on all of your electronics.

3. Take a melatonin supplement at night 

Taking a low dose of a melatonin supplement before bed can help you fall asleep faster. The suggested time to take one of these supplements is 90 minutes before you want to fall asleep. I actually do this sometimes and it really does help.

4. Time your coffee drinking wisely 

A lot of us are used to our cup of Joe first thing in the morning, but studies actually show that this might not be the best idea. Natural stimulaters, like exercise, are better in the morning, so it is actually better to sip your first cup of Joe about an hour and a half after you get up.

5. Sticking with your new sleep schedule 

It won't be easy, but you won't regret it! The best tip is to keep a consistent sleep schedule and to wake up at the same time everyday, even on the weekends. It is okay to hit the snooze-button every now and then, but the less you do that, the easier it will be to keep your schedule on track.

I hope these suggestions/tips help!

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