

Staff Picks

Monday, February 1, 2016

                                                            7 Ways To Spend Valentine's Day if You're Single

Honestly, you shouldn't mind being single on Valentine's Day. So, here are seven ideas to celebrate the holiday if you're single and just simply want to celebrate love in general. Remember, what is important anyway is that you love yourself, your friends and your community. So, go forth and enjoy the love-filled holiday, no matter your relationship status <3

                                                                                  1. Indulge Yourself 

Spend the day loving yourself. Take a long bubble bath. Binge-watch your favorite television series. Order take out. Get a mani/pedi. Leave work an hour early and go do something fun instead. Start a new book. Do whatever YOU want! After all, you have no one to please but yourself :)

  2. Get Things Done 

Instead of spending the day indulging, you could also go the opposite direction and use the day to finish or start something you've been meaning to do - organize your apartment or home, get your finances in order or clean out your closet. 

3. Volunteer 

There are much worse things than being single on Valentine's Day. Send love someone else's way and sign up to volunteer in your community and help those less fortunate than you and help fill someone else's day with love. 

4. Participate in "Secret Valentine" 

Who cares if you're single when you have friends??? Round up your girls (or guy friends, too) and have a Valentine's Day themed "Secret Santa" gift exchange. This way you have an excuse to get cute lovey-dovey stuff at the store (and maybe a box of chocolates for yourself, too). You'll get something picked out with love in return and it's a great excuse to get together with friends and share the love. 

5. Throw a Party 

If gift-giving doesn't sound appealing, a party always does. Throw a party and enjoy the love of your friends company. 

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