

Staff Picks

Sunday, September 20, 2015

                                                               Vision Boarding 

So vision boarding is something I recently discovered, and I'm glad I did! It's a fun DIY that helps you set goals by reminding you of them everyday. 

A vision board is a board where you post your goals and aspirations you want to happen or come true, hence the name 'vision board.' It helps motivate you because it works as a constant reminder of what you want. 

My roommate and I made a vision board for the year recently and we had so much fun doing it. It really has been an inspiration to us since we have it up in our living room and we see it everyday. Here is a photo: 

Our board focused mostly on eating/being healthy, exercising, doing good in school and changing up our fashion. I really hope this serves as inspiration! If you still want more ideas on how to vision board, this is a great link:

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